Leading International Expert in Foreign Affairs. Former U.S. Ambassador to Haiti.

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Former Ambassador Pamela A. White

Pamela is one of the very few people who has served in the Peace Corps, USAID, and the State Department. This gives her a unique insight into the culture of each organization and of cultures around the world. Serving in senior leadership positions in USAID and the State Department in eleven countries gave Pamela the opportunity to manage budgets of up to $2B and direct staff of up to 1,600.

  • Insightful Speaker

    A well-organized, insightful speaker with decades of public speaking experience, Pamela is knowledgeable about U.S. international policy, development, diplomacy, and national security. Her forty years of overseas experience have given her the opportunity to meet presidents, foreign ministers, generals, and everyday folks who have taught her life lessons that need to be shared.

  • Levity and Style

    Pamela’s speeches tend to be focused, compassionate, factual, and often funny.

    She believes even the toughest message can be delivered with a modicum of humor and has never given a speech that was not extremely well received.

    In fact, she’s received the first standing ovation in over 25 years at the University of Maine.

  • The Audience

    Pamela’s lectures, speeches, and thought leadership are for anyone who cares about U.S. involvement abroad – this includes NGOs, governments, schools, foundations, media, and the general public.

    Topics range from international involvement around the globe, including education, health, environment, women and girls, poverty, and leadership.